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Crash Page 20

  “Violet? Is that you?” said Josie in her perky voice.

  “Hey,” I said. “I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

  “No way! It’s been way too long, girl. How are you?”

  “Okay, I guess. I’ve actually got a favor to ask you.”


  “I’m coming to Sydney, and I want to meet up with Lincoln, but I don’t know where he’s staying.”

  “He’s at the QT on Market Street,” she said. “Does he know you’re coming?”

  “Nope. It’s kinda a surprise.” I squirmed on my seat, a little too pleased with myself than was proper.

  “How romantic!” she exclaimed. “Do you want me to book a room for you?”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m booking it all now.”

  “He’s got a press conference tomorrow morning at ten, but you’re welcome to come along.”

  “Press conference?”

  “Yeah, to announce his return to the AUFC after his injury. He’s got to promote his first fight back. Everyone’s worked themselves up over it. The media, Lincoln, Coach Miller, everyone.”

  “He’s got a fight already?” I asked, wondering why he hadn’t told me.

  “He didn’t say anything?” Josie exclaimed. “That boy. I’ll kill him. Listen, it only really happened yesterday, so I’m sure he was planning to call you. Things get crazy pretty fast around these parts.”

  “Sure.” No use dwelling on it, I supposed. I’d ask him tonight.

  “Hey, I can meet up with you at the airport if you like and give you a ride into town,” Josie went on. “I can swipe another keycard to his room, and you can be there to meet him when he gets out of training.”

  I thought about it for a moment, and at the thought of seeing his face when he walked in, I was sold.

  “Sounds great,” I replied.

  “When’s your flight?”

  “Hang on a sec,” I replied as I scrolled through the website and selected the best available. “Got one that lands at four forty-five this afternoon.”

  “Perfect,” Josie said. “Linc leaves at about six, and I’ll make sure he goes straight back to the hotel.”

  I watched as the website took my booking and charged the money to my card. Shit, I was really doing this.

  “You and Linc, huh?” Josie asked.

  “Yeah.” I smiled, imaging her leaning in to hear all the gossip. She was a sucker for a juicy story.

  “Good for you.” There was a rustle and the sound of something slamming on the other end of the line. “Listen, I’ve gotta run, but I’ll be there waiting for you when you land.”

  “Thanks, Josie. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problems.” She let out an excited squeal before saying, “I’m so excited to see you!”

  Sinking back in my chair, I smiled to myself as I read over the flight itinerary. “Me too.”

  As the call disconnected, I began to tingle all over. Everything was locked in, and all I had to do was turn up, but that was the hard part. Ash was taking me to the airport, and Josie was meeting me on the other side, so I’d be fine. I had to deal and right now, I felt like I could take on anything…including a horde of people at two of the busiest airports in Australia. I had this.

  Sydney here I come.


  I’d been on a plane once when I was twelve with my parents.

  We’d gone on a family holiday to the Gold Coast in Queensland. Ash had been busy with an MMA tournament, and since our dad had cracked the shits with him, Ash’d stayed behind. He and Dad had always struggled with one another from the moment Ash hit puberty. He’d been a troublemaker in school and had been suspended and expelled more times than I cared to remember, so I was the sole child when it came to family holidays. Then he and his rebelliousness tainted me, and I was left for dead, but that was another story.

  I sat in the little plane on the tarmac in Melbourne, fastened my seat belt to the point it was cutting off my circulation, and held on for dear life.

  Ash had driven me to the airport, helped me through the check-in desk, and held my hand all the way to security. From there on out, it had been all up to me. There had been people everywhere, all of them in a hurry to get to wherever it was they were going, and the chaos had confused me to the point I wanted to dry-heave, but I’d gotten through all of it so far. My bum was in my seat, and there was no turning back until I got to Sydney.

  Closing my eyes as the plane rumbled down the runway, I tightened my grip on the armrests as the engines kicked in and we left the ground. My stomach dipped and there was a split second where everything was weightless, and then we were climbing. Up and up until we were shooting through the clouds.

  Josie met me on the other side of the baggage carousel.

  I hadn’t seen her in what felt like an entire year. That was probably right considering she spent most of her time in Sydney with the Twins these days. Pushing six foot with movie star good looks and legs for days, she made a perfect Public Relations manger. It also helped that she had balls of steel in the male dominated world of professional fighting. She could play hardball with the big boys, who continually tried to push her back into the kitchen, and come out the other side without a scratch.

  “Violet!” she exclaimed as she caught sight of me weaving through the sea of people. Running forward, she held out her arms out and embraced me.

  “I made it,” I said through a relieved sigh.

  “I knew you could,” she said, pulling back and giving me the once over. “You’re looking good, girl.”

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  “You’ve got a nice flush in your cheeks,” she declared. “A good man will do that to you.”

  She chatted all the way to the car about the things we could do in town, and by the time I was sliding into the front passenger seat, I was getting excited to see Lincoln.

  “How is he?” I asked as she pulled the car out of the spot.

  “He’s okay, but he’s been down a lot, you know.” She wound down the window to put the ticket into the machine, and the boom gate opened, letting us out of the carpark. “He’s always been pretty enthusiastic about training and his fights, but ever since he came back from Melbourne, he’s been having trouble getting back into his routine.”

  I glanced at my hands, knowing I probably had something to do with it.

  “He’s going to flip when he sees you,” Josie said as we merged onto the freeway. “It’ll be just the thing he needs to pick him up.”

  “You think?”

  “I know so. I’ve gotten to know the Twins pretty well since I got this job, and I’ve seen the difference in him. I mean, I talked to him a lot over the phone when he called about his doctor’s appointments, and I could tell that something had changed. Something good.” She let out a laugh. “Man, he was pissed when we tricked him into going back to Melbourne. And then when the doctors told him he’d be out at least six months, he was as wild as anything.”


  “Yeah, but his attitude changed pretty quick smart. Now I know why.” She glanced at me and winked before turning back to the road.

  I sank back into the seat with a grin. Watching the streets of Sydney flash past the window, I realized I’d done the right thing by coming here. In a way, it was the biggest fear of them all because it was the last barrier that was keeping us apart…and I’d just smashed it.

  Empowered had nothing on it. It was all about love, and if Dr. Ormond asked me that question again, the answer would be yes all the way.

  I loved Lincoln Hayes.



  Josie left me at the elevator after she helped me check in at the QT. I had my own room to get ready in, and in my pocket was a duplicate keycard for Lincoln’s.

  As the elevator moved up, I curled my fingers around the handle of my suitcase, my stomach churning and my heart beating with excitement. It was near to bursting as I arrived on my floor and found my ro
om. I hadn’t felt this determined or alive in my entire life.

  I loved Lincoln.

  As I unlocked my room and pulled my case inside, I made a vow that the first thing I was going to do when I saw him was to tell him exactly how I felt.

  I had a quick shower and got changed into a fresh set of clothes. I’d brought along the purple dress I’d worn to the opening party at Pulse and wondered if Lincoln would remember. Things sure had done a total one-eighty since then. Zipping up the back, I smoothed down the fabric and gave myself the once over in the mirror. Not bad, Fuller, I thought to myself.

  Slipping my feet into a pair of three-inch black heels, I grabbed my lipstick and gave my lips a coat of color. Perfect.

  Shoving my phone and room key into my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and clutched onto Lincoln’s keycard with trembling fingers. He’d be back any minute, so I had to get a move on if I was going to be there to surprise him.

  His room was two floors down, so I took the elevator and made my way along the hall, my skin tingling the entire way. Finding the right door, I slid the keycard into the lock until the little light flashed green, and then I turned the handle and pushed inward.

  The room within was laid out exactly like mine with a little hallway and the bathroom to the side. A warm glow emanated from the bedroom, and I wondered if he’d beaten me here. Walking forward, I paused at the end of the hall, and everything I’d accomplished up until now came crashing down.

  A woman was lying in his bed, completely naked and spread-eagled. Not just any woman, it was Andrea.

  “Shit,” she exclaimed, closing her legs. “This is unexpected, but I guess it cuts out the middle man.”

  I stumbled backward and crashed into the wall.

  She smiled sweetly at me and said, “I told you so.”

  Lost for words as my life shattered around me, I fled. Wrenching open the door, I gasped as I came face-to-face with a startled Lincoln.


  “Get out of my way,” I cried, shoving past him.

  The walls were closing in on me and darkness was coming back. I couldn’t escape. I couldn’t breathe…

  I bolted down the hall toward the elevators, weaving around a startled looking elderly couple, but I couldn’t see them through the tears that had spilled over. Sobbing as I crashed into the wall by the bank of elevators, I thumped my fist onto the button. Immediately, there was a ding, and a set of doors opened. Thank fucking god.

  “Violet!” Lincoln shouted after me.

  I heard his footsteps as he chased me, but all it did was slice deeper as the darkness began to choke the life from me.

  I loved him. I loved him and how did he repay me the moment he left? Asshole. It was all a lie.

  Rounding the corner, he came into sight, and just as he was about to put his hand into the gap, the elevator doors slid closed. Collapsing back against the wall, I sucked in deep breaths, trying to keep the panic attack from overwhelming me. My throat was constricting and I was becoming dizzy as the doors opened on my floor. Bolting down the hallway to my room, I fumbled with the keycard, sliding it in and out a couple of times before it worked.

  Shoving inside, the door slammed closed, and I darted into the bathroom. Tossing my bag and falling to my knees, I lifted the lid on the toilet and heaved into the bowl. My phone started to ring from someplace far away, but I couldn’t hear it. My ears buzzed as I slumped to the floor, pressing my burning forehead against the cool tiles.

  Breathing through my nose and letting my breath out of my mouth, I tried to calm myself down, my vision prickling with stars. As the weight on my chest began to lighten, reality came crashing back in, and a sob burst forth. Then another and another. I curled up on the floor and cried, my heart aching so much I wished I could tear it out and never see it again.

  I didn’t know how long I’d been on the bathroom floor before I realized I was shivering. Grabbing my bag, I practically crawled through the room, my shoes falling off as I went, and dragged myself into bed. This place wasn’t in the least bit familiar, and the overwhelming need to go home threaded itself into the empty places in my heart.

  Fumbling in my bag, I pulled out my phone, instantly seeing all the notifications on the screen. Missed call times twenty. Voicemail. Texts. All from Lincoln.

  Resisting the urge to hurl the phone across the room, I unlocked the screen and brought up the contacts. Pressing Ash’s name, I held it to my ear, curling my body into a tight ball underneath the scratchy, starched within an inch of their lives, hotel sheets.

  He answered on the third ring. “Vee?”

  “Ash.” His name came out strangled, full of fear and pain.

  “Fuck. Vee, what happened? Are you okay?”

  “No. I’m not okay.” I sobbed.

  “Talk to me, Vee.”

  “I can’t do this,” I muttered, my voice feeling thick. “I shouldn’t have come. I shouldn’t have left the house.”

  “What did he do?” Ash practically roared down the phone.

  “She was in his bed.” I’d seen it with my own two eyes, but saying it? The reality slammed into me again, and I sobbed harder.


  I felt like I was splitting in two.

  “Where are you?”

  “At the hotel…”

  “Where, Vee?”

  “The QT. Room five-oh-eight.”

  “Stay in your room. Don’t go anywhere. Do not talk to him or let him in, you hear?” he commanded. “I’m coming to get you.”

  As the call disconnected, I let the phone fall to the floor where it hit with a thud. Burying into the bed, I sobbed harder, everything hurting with a pain I never thought possible.

  All those months ago, I made the wrong decision.

  I should never have left the house.



  The elevator doors slid shut with a boom and I smashed my fist against the wall with a cry.

  Violet had faced her greatest fear and flown to Sydney to see me. So what the fuck was happening right now? I couldn’t understand why she’d run like that.

  Turning toward my room, I strode down the hall and tried her phone, my heart beating double-time. It rang out to voicemail as I was unlocking my room. I went to dial again, but as I stepped into the bedroom, my gaze instantly locked with Andrea. Fucking Andrea. She was lying on my bed, totally naked, with a come-hither look on her face.

  “Hey,” she cooed, letting her legs fall open.

  Violet must’ve come here to surprise me and found her like this and thought… Rage boiled up to the surface. I grabbed the pile of clothes she’d left on the bench and threw them at her.

  “What the fuck,” I snapped.

  “Well, hello to you too,” she said with a pout.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Fighting for what I want,” she said, jutting her chin out defiantly.

  “What you want?” I threw my hands up into the air, my thoughts going to Violet who was probably having a breakdown someplace. She wasn’t answering my calls, she was just gone, and the thought of her hurting like that…

  “You were wrong to dump me,” Andrea said, getting off the bed and crossing over to me. She reached out for my cock, and I jerked backward.

  “No, I was right,” I scoffed. “Look at yourself, Andrea. Do you think this is normal fuckin’ behavior?”

  “I’m in love with you,” she exclaimed.

  “Love?” I spat. “How can you love someone when you don’t even know them? This isn’t a fucking romance novel, Andrea. I don’t know you.”


  “I saw the way you looked at her,” I hissed. “Vindictive, jealous and catty. You think they’re loveable qualities? They’re not. Violet is sweet, kind, she listens to me and cares about what I want. I care about her more than I care about myself. All you’re thinking about right now is what you want and fuck anyone else’s feelings. It takes two to be in a rel
ationship, Andrea. Two.”

  Her face contorted into a scowl and she raised her hand to slap me. Just as she was about to strike, I grabbed her wrist.

  “Did you think I’d love someone like you? Did you think this was going to win me over? Breaking into my room and waiting for me, starkers, on my bed?”

  “I had to show you,” she hissed, wrenching her arm from my grasp. “How could you want someone like her. She’s scared of everything. She’s a mouse. She’s not enough for a man like you.”

  “I love her, Andrea. I. Love. Her.” I turned away and ran my hand over my face. ”If you’ve fucked that up for me…”


  “No buts!” I roared, turning to face her. “Get out.” I jabbed my finger toward the door. “Get the fuck out!”

  She began to pull on her clothes hastily, her eyes brimming with tears, but I didn’t give a fuck. She was crazy, absolutely fucking crazy.

  “Lincoln, please.”

  “If I ever see you again… So help me fucking god…” I spat, my jaw tight.

  She snatched up her shoes and purse, her eyes on the floor, and slunk across the room. As the door slammed behind her, I picked up my phone and tried Violet again.

  It went to voicemail as I knew it would, and I left her a message.

  “Vee, where are you? You need to let me explain…” I sighed sharply as I began to pace up and down the length of the room. “I never touched her. She was just…there. Please tell me where you are. I need to know you’re okay.”

  It was a lame excuse of an apology. I fucked Andrea in a moment of weakness, so this mess was all my fault. I was responsible for Violet’s heartbreak. Knowing how hard it must’ve been for her to fly all the way up here, made it even worse. She would be hurting something fierce, absolutely coming apart at the seams. For a woman like her… I smashed my fist against the wall. Fuck!

  If something happened to Violet because of my stupid fucking mistake… I couldn’t live with myself.

  I had to find her and fix this before it was too late.